Agata Stepien was born in 1986 in Krakow (Poland), in a family of Polish artists.
She spent the past 12 years studying Visual Arts at different art academies (Poland; Spain; Belgium; Italy; and Portugal). In this context, she was awarded a variety of scholarships.
Having completed an MFA at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Rome, she moved to Barcelona, where she earned a joint PhD in art granted by the Universidad Castilla La Mancha in Spain and at the Universidade Belas Artes Lisboa in Portugal.
Between 2017 and 2021, she taught art in the Literature and Philosophy department at the University of Science and Technology in Krakow. Her courses included: “Global Perspectives in Contemporary Representations of the Body” and “Transgressions in the Arts – Cultural Dynamic”.
In 2021, she displayed her works in the exhibition, “Solitude in Culture”, alongside artists such as Rembrandt and Nikifor. The exhibit was hosted by the library of the University Jagellonica. In the same year, she held a solo exhibit at the prestigious Antonio Perez Museum in Spain. The works displayed on this occasion are now part of the museum’s permanent collection.
She is often invited to lecture in European universities, including at the Women’s Leadership Symposium, Oxford University.
Her research and art both focus on female artistic perception.