1942 – 2017
Roberto Bossaglia was born in Cagliari (Italy) in 1942. He lived and worked in Rome until his death in 2017.
From 1981 to 2006 he taught Photography at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Rome.
Bossaglia started working as a photographer in 1975. He produced and exhibited several collections before he began working for various publishing houses, artists and architects.
His pictures have appeared in many noteworthy magazines, among which: Domus, Abitare, Casabella, Lotus, Bauwelt, Moniteur Architecture, Composicion Arquitectonica, Area, Harper’s Bazaar.
Since 1975, his work has also featured in many private collections both nationally and internationally.
He has always balanced working on commission with his own artistic research and he has participated in many projects investigating urban landscapes, especially in Italy.
His work is featured in museums both nationally and internationally among which: Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica (Roma), DARC (Roma), Gabinetto Fotografico Comunale (Roma), Maison Européenne de la Photographie (Parigi), Bibliothèque Nationale (Parigi), Centre Canadien d’Architecture (Montréal), Museo della Fotografia Contemporanea di Cinisello Balsamo (Milano), Archivio fotografico della Regione Piemonte (Torino), Queensland College of Art (Brisbane), Archivio fotografico del Comune (Napoli), Stadt Museum (Monaco).